Posts Tagged ‘Developing country’

Street child is a term used for a homeless child residing in the streets of a city (typically in a developing country). In most of the cases they have no adult supervision or care. They are often subject to abuse, neglect, exploitation, or in extreme cases, murder by “cleanup squads” hired by local business or police. (Refer to Wikipedia).

In every developing country the rights of the children is well respected, but the same does not apply when it comes to street children. This clearly indicates how they are ignored, not only with their families, but also by the government policies.

A group of street children and youth at where they sleep and spend most of their time

The general community has the perception that street children are lazy individuals who depends on handouts. But this is not the reality as most of them stay awake at night until the streets are clear and soundless.If they are lucky to close their eyes, then their minds have to stay alert, to dodge the police who come battering at night or the older street youths who take advantage of darkness to sexually molest them.  When it rains at night they cuddle themselves together, or sleep standing with their feet soaking in the cold water.  Before they can take a nap, the sound of the hooting cars wakes them up at 4am. Soon they grab their rucksack and head to the garbage to look for something to eat or sell.

The rising sun doesn’t give them hope to realize their dreams. It only enable them to watch helplessly as other kids go to school, while their own lives erodes by every single shot of harmful drugs that are taking.

One of the mentors, with the street kids at FIKISHA during anti-drug session

At FIKISHA we are changing this. We are rehabilitating from a lifestyle of drug abuse through anti-drug education and supporting the abandonment of any harmful substance. Besides, we are reconnecting willing street children and youth with stable family members. Our core focus area is to assist towards a sustainable future by providing education opportunity.

We desire to spread love and care to as many street children as possible, but we can’t reach this goal without your support.

We are asking you to:

–          Support a street child to go back to school. (Through the Street Scholarship we have supported 19 children from streets and    back to school)

–          Support the Drug Addiction Recovery Program.

–          Support the Family Tracing and Reintegration Program.

–          Donate food, clothes, soaps and detergents.

–          Volunteer or be an Intern for as long as you desire.

–          Commit to prayer the needs of this organization and how they might be filled

For more information, please get in touch with us at  (Kenya) or (USA)

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By Moses Aboka